
Happy Easter!!!

Springtime around Morgan is great. It usually can get pretty windy and I have been able to get kites miles up in the sky - holding onto them for dear life. So far, it's been a little disappointing for little Jake. He was so determined to get his Buzz Lightyear kite up, but there was no wind. I've learned that there's really no reasoning with a 3 year-old, so I just grabbed my camera.
Sam was smart and learned that if he just kept on running, he could get it to fly a little bit -- which really only mad Jake more mad!
The community Easter Egg hunt is always wild, but that doesn't stop us! Here's Jake checking out the competition.

Colten was sweet and offered to run with Jake to make sure he got a few eggs! Such a great brother!!!
Jake was a little nervous at first.

These pictures make the egg hunt look kind of calm, but that's because they were taken after the insanity ended. I'm not joking -- grown men - fathers were tripping over and knocking down little kids in their rush to get eggs for their own kids. If I had a whistle, I would have been calling "foul" on all those fathers! I saw large men completely flatten 3 year-olds, land on them, and then get up and run away after the eggs without checking on the child they just almost killed! I lost my own kids in the rush - so I just hoped and prayed they'd make it out alive! One father was carrying his own 2 kids on his shoulders, and he tripped - sending all three of them to the ground - hard! Colten - the stud he is - saw a special egg that had a number on it (meaning it wins the child a big easter basket full of candy). Another father saw it at the same time and it was a mad dash to get to the egg. The man dove for it, but Cole was faster and dove right under the guy to land on top of the egg like he was playing football - so Cole got possession of it!!!! I swear that a few rules need to be made as far as letting adults help their kids - it was funny at first, but the more I thought about it, the scarier it got! One of the little boys I was helping up off the ground was completely scared out of his mind after getting plowed over by some random father. Good job, Dads! It's really impressive to see you going after those eggs at any cost - hooray for you!
Chloe made a killing somehow, and she even started giving her eggs away to some other little boy!
In the end, we all survived and had fun! It's still a pretty cool thing that the community does up here!
Sweet Sam didn't get one of the numbered eggs this time, but someone was nice enough to give him their extra one!

Jake thought that the whole egg hunt was the coolest thing ever!!!

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